Embassy in Tehran

All practical information on our Embassy in Tehran.

Address, contact details and opening hours

Address, contact details, access map and closing days of our Embassy in Tehran.
  1. Last updated on


Agha Bozorghi Street – Shirin Dead End, N°4

Elahieh 1964616451 Tehran

P.O. Box 11365 – 115 Tehran

Opening hours and contact details:

The Embassy is open to the public from Sunday to Thursday, 8am to 12:30pm.

E-mail communication is privileged. Telephone calls will only get answered from Sunday to Thursday, from 8am to 1:30pm.

Fax (only when necessary): (00 98 21) 222 47 313 / (00 98 21) 223 91 160

Emergency line for Belgian citizens in distress when the Embassy is closed (only): 00 98 (0) 912 105 22 01   

Access map

VFS Global services

Appointments and receipt of visa applications are provided by VFS Global. You can make an online appointment via the following website VFS Global. On this website you can find information about the procedure for obtaining a visa and the necessary documents for this purpose.

Passports and visas are also withdrawn at VFS premises.

If additional documents for your visa application are required by the Embassy, the Embassy will contact you.

Closing days

The chancery is closed on Fridays, on Saturdays and on following public holidays.